Location: Generally between Discovery Street and San Marcos Blvd.
Description: Mixed-use development consisting of 1,265,000 s.f. of retail, 589,000 s.f. of
office and 2,300 dwelling units.
Status: All regulatory permits have been issued for the project. Site is being prepared for
first phase of infrastructure which includes widening of Discovery Street and installation of a
floodwall and trail, construction of a levee/pad and portion of pedestrian promenade on north
side of creek between Via Vera Cruz and Bent Avenue and design of Bent Avenue and Via
Vera Cruz bridges. (The Promenade at Creekside, Item #27, formally the Residences and
Shoppes at Creekside, issued, pending construction commencement, Item #28, East Gate
and Item #26, Main Street Plaza have all been approved). Both the Promenade at Creekside
and East Gate are processing grading plans. An Amendment of the SM Creek SP
regulations to include parking space dimensions for parking structures and to increase the
amount of compact parking spaces in a parking structure from 20% to 35% was approved by
City Council on 7/8/14. The Site Development Plan is being modified to reflect this parking